Buses in and around St Andrews

Why travel by bus?

There are many reasons why travelling by bus is great. We have provided just a few:

Taking the bus is a relatively cheap mode of travel, especially for longer journeys. You don’t need to worry about road tax, insurance, maintenance and MOT costs. Also, if you’re a regular commuter, can usually get discounted tickets for travelling frequently.
You can take time to let your mind wander, rather than having to concentrate on the road ahead.
You can go out for a night on the town or a trip to the pub without having to be the ‘designated driver’.
You can be a planet superhero! One bus carries the same number of people as 30 cars and uses 10 times less space. It uses less fossil fuel, too. Why not find out just how many kettles you could boil through this handy travel carbon calculator.
Save the hassle of heating up your windscreen and clearing off the ice in winter. It is also one less thing you need to worry about cleaning on the weekend.
Make new friends! Taking the bus can foster a sense of community, especially for regular travellers. Say hello to that familiar face on the bus!

In and Around St Andrews with Stagecoach

Fare Information
All Timetables

Most bus services in and around the town are operated by Stagecoach and serve the bus station in the centre of town. Tickets can be purchased from the Ticket Office in the station, from the driver by cash or contactless card or via the Stagecoach mobile app.

A next to the service name indicates that this bus route serves Leuchars station. RailBus tickets are valid on these services.

You can click on the service name to be taken directly to the relevant timetable. Please note that we are not responsible for the information on these timetables and you should always check before your journey.

Service 42 – St Andrews to Dundee via Tayport
Service 94 – St Andrews to Newburgh via Cupar/Ladybank
Service 95 – St Andrews to Leven via Crail/Anstruther/Pittenweem
Service 97 – St Andrews to Leven via Largoward/Lundin Links
Service 99/99A/99B/99C/99D – St Andrews to Dundee (services continue to various locations around St Andrews on arrival from Dundee, see timetable for details)
Service X24 – St Andrews to Glasgow via Cupar/Halbeath Park & Ride/Dunfermline/Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Service X59 – St Andrews to Edinburgh (fast) via Cupar/Glenrothes
Service X60 – St Andrews to Edinburgh (slow) via Anstruther/Pittenweem/Leven/Kirkcaldy

In and Around St Andrews with Moffat & Williamson

Fare Information
All Timetables

Moffat and Williamson is another provider of bus travel in and around St Andrews. They also operate the Go Flexi service on behalf of Fife Council. These are normally routes not covered by other public transport. You simply phone to book a journey and your fare will be similar to a bus fare.

A next to the service name indicates that this bus route serves Leuchars station. RailBus tickets are valid on these services.

You can click on the service name to be taken directly to the relevant timetable. Please note that we are not responsible for the information on these timetables and you should always check before your journey.

Service 9B – St Andrews Town Service
Service 64 – St Andrews to Glenrothes via Craigtoun Park/Cupar/Ladybank/Freuchie
Service 92 – St Andrews Circular via Leuchars/Balmullo/St Michaels/Tayport/Newport/Gauldry/St Michaels/Balmullo/Leuchars

Further Afield


Linking 90 locations and offering high-quality travel in some of the country’s most modern coaches, megabus carries more than 4 million passengers a year. The closest stop to St Andrews is the Seagate Bus Station in Dundee. You can see more information about the routes and places served by megabus on their website.

Scottish CityLink

Scottish Citylink operates an extensive network of long-distance express services within Scotland, operating 19 routes linking the cities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Stirling and Inverness, as well as linking some rural Highland communities to the main urban areas of Scotland. Our nearest stop is the Seagate Bus Station in Dundee. You can see more information on routes and fares on their website.

X90 Dundee to Edinburgh Airport direct

The Xplore Dundee X90 connects Dundee City Centre directly with Edinburgh Airport in under 90 minutes. Services operate every 3 hours round the clock, Monday to Sunday. Full details are available on their website with discounted tickets available for students.