Go St Andrews is your hub for smart travel in and around St Andrews.

Launched in 2017, you will find information on walking, running, cycling, carshare, buses, trains, and more.

Day Trips

Go Explore. See all that Scotland has to offer, right on your doorstep.


Go Calm. Set your mind at ease, one step at a time.


Go Active. Healthy minds, healthy bodies.


Go Happy. Feel the wind in your hair as you zip to your destination.


Go Social. Share your journey and make new friends.


Go Smart. Take the hassle out of journey planning.


Go Affordable. Save money for the special moments in life.


Go Beautiful. Take in the views as you glide along.

Why choose sustainable travel?

Healthy lives, healthy bodies
Go Active
Travel and adventure await
Go Explore
Help the environment one step at a time
Go Green
Spend less, live more
Go Affordable

Why do we love sustainable travel?

Local Resident and Professional

“Walking through St Michael’s golf course, Milton Farm and the Eden Estuary is a great way to start and end each day.  The wonders of nature never cease to amaze me.”


“Living in St. Andrews has allowed me to completely rely on biking, walking and using buses on further journeys. I love biking because it’s great exercise and often the quickest method to get me to classes and friends’ houses.”


“The bus connection between Leuchars and St Andrews is ideal for connecting with the trains. Plus, if I purchase a DayRider, I can use the same ticket on the buses around St Andrews!”

Local Resident

“I love travelling by train because I can work ahead of my arrival, I don’t have to concentrate on the road, it’s great to get into busy place e.g. Edinburgh without having to worry about finding a place to park!”

Local Resident and Professional

“I recently started trail running and just love the buzz of exercising in the fresh air surrounded by hill views. It’s combines the deep sense of wellbeing that the outdoors and physical activity can bring.”


“Driving my EV into St Andrews allows me the freedom to travel when I need to, and if I use the free charge-points around town, I can do so for free whilst reducing my carbon footprint!”